Combining a Structured attorney fee with your retirement plan.
Structured attorney fees, combined with a retirement plan such as a SEP IRA, are one of the single most powerful tax and retirement benefits available to ANY profession. More lawyers need to know about and take advantage of this unique tool, which spreads out the tax impact of a big legal fee into future years, where the funds are then applied to your SEP IRA or other retirement plan to fully fund your future.
In this video I explain how to structure a legal/attorney fee over several years so that it is used to fully fund your retirement, thus converting taxable income into tax deductions over many years and avoiding that huge tax hit in the year you actually settle the case and get paid.
This is the single best retirement planning technique in the US tax code and it is only available to trial lawyers who are wise enough to take advantage of it! Check out this video and contact my office if you want to see if it can be applied to your cases or to benefit your firm.